The journey to W(her)thy has been a roller coaster. Between physical sickness that seemed to hit more than usual, and battles with my mental health, getting the right medication dosages, and the cost of running a shop. It's been one thing after another stopping me from going forward with spreading the message to all women that they are WORTHY and LOVED by GOD. It really shouldn't come as a surprise. We all know the enemy doesn't care until you start making moves that will advance the kingdom of God. Which is my ultimate goal. Out of a desire to reach more people and help my family with the ever-increasing cost of living I've opened up a shop that sells carefully curated jewelry to remind each woman of they are worthy and beautiful. Each piece of jewelry in our collection is designed to be more than just an accessory—it’s a reminder. A symbol of God’s love, a whisper of encouragement on hard days, a reflection of His promises. Check out the collection by clicking the shopping cart below.
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